I have posted most of the pictures that I love of Corey and the kids that I have taken since I have been blogging. So for this Father's Day, I wanted to revisit old photos - before my blogging days - and share a bit of Corey's history as a daddy of three. Not much has changed - he has always been such a devoted and dedicated father - but here are some photos that I have not shared before.
~the first day ~
Corey has always tried to make Allie feel like a princess.

He has always been a hard worker, and he encourages the kids to be the same.
Corey has always done a great job of making sure that the kids have good family vacation memories. This is when Cooper was only 2 months old. We drove all night to get to the mountains and camped there for a week. I am sure that there were plenty of hours during that week that he would have loved to be fly fishing, but he spent most of his time with the family.

I don't think that he has ever missed a first day of school. He makes the kids know that they are a priority to him and that the "big days" in their lives are "big days" in his life too.

I can't even count the number of teams that Corey has coached for Allie & Jack. He has always made sure that he is a primary influence in their lives.

The babies have always felt comfortable in his arms.

Corey has always spent special one-on-one time with the kids. When Allie was just 6 weeks old, he took her on their first date (to have surprise photos made for me for Christmas). He has never stopped taking her on dates. Just last week he took her out to her favorite restaurant and gave her a necklace - just because.
This is probably one of the proudest moments of him, as a dad, that I have had. He has been a great influence on our kids' spiritual lives and lives his life in a way that they could emulate and would make our Lord proud.
There was a period of time that Cooper was up a lot at night and early each morning. Corey would get up many mornings, strap the baby on, and get to work while I caught a little shut eye.
Daddy is their favorite playmate!

Our kids love holidays... and traditions. Corey helps keep those things special each year.

Fishing and hunting are some of Corey's favorite things to do. As the kids get older, he almost always takes them with him - and I don't think he'd have it any other way.

So far, he has helped make the kids' birthdays special - 22 times!
Corey, you are a great daddy to our kids.
Watching you love them makes me love you even more.

What a great trip down memory lane. Corey really is a great daddy. I love how he is always making a huge effort to get all his work done AND make sure that the kids are his top priority. The way he functions on next to no sleep in order to take care of all of you is amazing.
Corey, you really are an amazing husband and daddy to Allie, Jack, and Cooper. I'm so thankful God sent you to Amy and her to you. I'm so thankful you are a part of our family. God bless you.
What a great daddy Corey is. I love all the sweet pictures and memory. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful tribute.
What great pictures and a great Daddy! Happy Father's Day, Corey!
I love these posts about Corey and his dad! They're both so honoring to them. I love the way that you record the important things!!! We're lucky to have YOU! =) I love you!
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