It seems that for years and years of summers at least one of my kids has been in swimming lessons. Last year the big kids even took a class where they learned some swim strokes. There is something about swimming lessons that just makes me feel like summer is in full swing.
Today, Cooper started lessons for the first time. We are taking them from a friend with a group of friends at a friend's house. What could be better? He did really good today, and I was proud of him! He was so cautious last week when we swam that I didn't know if he would be hesitant today, but he loved it! He practiced blowing bubbles, kicking, getting into and out of the pool safely, moving along the side of the pool with his hands (like a monkey of course), putting his face in the water while he blows bubbles, and even took a few under water dips. I am really hoping that he is swimming on his own by the end of the classes... we'll see.
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2 months ago
He did so well today! It was fun to have you guys there. Luke just saw this photo and said, "Cooper's swimmin' in my pool area".
Amy, that is wonderful that you are making sure your kids are safe in the water! So important. Plus, it's just fun, isn't it? Cooper looks so cute in that photo. Love you. Mama
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