Today was Cooper's 3rd birthday party. It was so much fun! We had it at a local kids' gymnastics place that our family has been a part of for about 9 years. In all that time, we have never had a party there. Today, we finally did, and it was great! Here are some of the things that Cooper enjoyed at his party....
the parachute

jumping on the trampoline


jumping into "the pit"

swinging on the triple swing

cake & ice cream

opening gifts


more family
another gift when he arrived back home

... and lots of friends!
Cooper is a very blessed and very loved little boy!
Thank you to his family and friends that helped celebrate him and make his day special.
We are thankful to have each of you involved in his life.
It was a great party and I loved meeting all your family!
Looks like a great party! Glad it worked out better than you expected. (Not that you expected it to be bad... , you know what I mean.)
Happy Birthday, Cooper! Your son is just "all boy"!
looks like fun. Is that pool the 6 ft pool? If so, how did you get it home! I bought it, couldn't fit it in the car, and had to return it! Car being a big Tahoe!
Yes, I think that that that is the 6 footer pool. My dad picked it up in his truck. I have bought one before in my mini-van before and just tied it down to the top. (The Wal-Mart guy actually helped me do it.) BTW, congratulations Shanan!
thanks Amy - Shannon suggested tying it to the top so that's what we'll do. i haven't found another little pool I like better ... and we've been looking. I also wanted to tell you that I'm hooked to CF husband...thanks for sharing them!
Yeah, it is a great pool. I had the same one several years ago and have had a few others - this one is the best.
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