Here's a fun tag that I have not seen before... You can join the fun to. Just go to your photos on your computer. Then go to the 6th folder and choose the 6th picture in the folder. Post it and tell us about it. Here's mine -
This photo was taken in June 2005. Cooper was only a couple of weeks old. I had been wanting to have a little photo shoot with him since he was first born but between recovering from a c-section and sleep deprivation, it took me 2 weeks to finally set it up. I hung a piece of black fabric over the shower wall in my bathroom where the light was the best, laid Cooper on a Boppy, and I got in the empty bathtub and took pictures of him... then of him with the big kids, then of him and my newborn niece, Skyler. (Then I collapsed.) Those pictures are some of my all-time favorites. This one Jack kissing Cooper on the head is really, one of my favorite photos ever. Just look at them! So sweet... and so little. Awww - does anyone have a time-travel machine that I can borrow for the afternoon. I just want to go back and kiss on those little bitty boys one more time.

Oh my goodness. Amy, what a sweet picture.
Adorable! They're so precious.
One of my all-time favorites too Amy. I remember that day. I was there along with Adrielle for sure and I think there were other siblings that day/weekend or whatever. Hopefully, we took good care of you for a few days. I can't remember the details. I know we were amazed at newborn Cooper though. Precious baby boy. Yeah, a time-travel machine would be good sometimes, wouldn't it? If I could go back, I'd take alot more pictures and I'd have a really good camera to do it with.
love that pic of the boys!
Just saw Corey's comment. He's so weird.
Yep, Corey's a freak. =)
I LOVE that picture! It's so sweet! And I LOVE that I can see the current Cooper in that little bitty bald Cooper - his fingers, his lips. It makes me wonder what my baby girl is going to look like in three years - and to think that I'll still be able to see her now, then. Does that make sense? It makes me sad and happy all at the same time. I love time and I hate it! =)
Love it! Sara's comment makes me want to cry...I love and hate time too. I wish that mom would have "had a good camera" so that we had some pictures of our childhoods as well ;)
What a fun game and beautiful picture! You seriously are talented with the camera!
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