Today is National Day of Remembrance for Pregnancy and Infant Loss. I am not one to join causes or jump on bandwagons, but I am touched that this day has been placed on our country's calendar to help all of us remember our friends and family that have lost babies. On Angie Smith's blog, she eloquently talks about this day and asks for women to leave their stories in her comment section, so she and others can pray for their "sisters" today. At 10:00 this morning, there were already over 900 comments. This says to me... we need to feel connected... we need to know that we are not alone. Though it feels that way. Though it hurts that way. Though the pain of losing a baby is personal and something that only you - as its mother - can feel the full extent of... you are not alone. I am not alone. And there is great comfort in knowing that. will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.
You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.
John 16:20

I am Amy. I have 3 children on earth and 2 in heaven. Both were lost to miscarriage - one in December 2003 and one in June 2004.
I am the grandmother of two little ones who were lost to miscarriage. The loss was so great; the sorrow for my daughter's grieving was almost unbearable. I too long to see those babies in heaven someday; to see and touch their little faces and get to see my children run to them with tears of joy. Praise God His heaven is real and we will all be together for eternity.
I am the mother of two children on Earth and four in Heaven.
December 2005: Probable progesterone deficiency
October 2006: Probable progesterone deficiency
April 2007: Failed cerclage, P.R.O.M., cord prolapse, extreme prematurity
August 2007: Probable progesterone deficiency
Thank you, friend, for remembering us all...
I don't really have any words...only tears. I hate it that this is so real. I never knew how real until we experienced it with you. And even so, I know that I only know a fraction of the grief that is experienced by you and others who have experienced similar situations. I love you...and am thankful for the way God has used these very sad losses in your and others' lives through you. That part has been amazing! I love you!
I love you girl.
2003 & 2004 - same as Amy
I am not as brave as you and Amanda. Only a handful of people even knew. It is easier to talk about it now yet I still try not to think about it or even talk about it. Only times I breath the words is if I need to comfort another mother that is grieving.
Interesting how everyone handles the grieving process differently.
Amy, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I so appreciate your prayers. It is so encouraging to see so many relative strangers coming together to comfort one another in prayer.
I love the verse you posted. If you don't mind, I think I will post that on mine as well because it so fitting. In the midst of my grief of losing our little one last month, I discovered a week ago that I was already pregnant again. So far things are going well and I am so thankful for His mercies.
Thank you & God bless. I'm praying for you as well.
-Erika - one angel in heaven - miscarriage Sept 2008
Thank you for your blog and for reminding me of this day.
I have two children on earth and one in heaven due to a miscarriage in March 2006.
I still struggle with the "what ifs" but I am thankful for God's blanket of peace that gets me through.
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