Well, we are back to Texas. There are so many things that I could write about today, but I think that I will just share a few photos instead.
Of course, my camera made the trip to Colorado with us. I didn't take many pictures while we were there, but here are a few that I took on the way... I had never been on such a small plane, and I had certainly not flown over the mountains, in a storm, in an 18 passenger plane... until last Tuesday. It was an experience. We'll put it that way. :) I was very thankful for the buddy passes, and I would do it again... I just wouldn't eat a big lunch right before I boarded the plane next time.
This is one that Corey took out his window while we were flying from Denver to Telluride.
We thought that our little plane's reflection was really cool!

~ the beautiful Rocky Mountains ~
I've always loved them, but I had never seen them from above like this.
Now I love them even more.

~ frost on the airplane window ~
(hard to imagine from HOT Texas)

I had to take a picture of this... Yes, the pilots were right there in from of us.
This was the view out of the front window as we were were landing in Telluride.

~ getting ready to land ~
(Notice that our plane's shadow was not much bigger than the tennis court. :) )

Wow friend! I'm pretty brave but you win the big girl award for the day! What an experience.
I cannot believe that you could see out of the front window (that made me laugh out loud). I love the first picture with the reflection of the plane on the propeller.
Very cool pictures! Ditto to Emily's comment. I'll have to hear about your "experience". I guess we lost a few days in there. I love you!
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