Friday, October 3, 2008

What Flavor Is Your Hair?

A little while ago I was holding Cooper, and he said, "Gibbie should have 'banilla' hair."
Confused, I said, "What?"
He said, "I think that Gibbie should have 'banilla' hair like Poppie."

When I realized that he meant that my dad's hair is white (like VANILLA), I laughed so hard!

When I called my dad to tell him the story, he said, "Yep, I guess Gibbie's hair is chocolate, and mine is vanilla."  He's such a good sport!


Emily said...

Two hilarious boy boy posts in one day. I sometimes wish that Gibbie's hair was vanilla too. I wonder when he will notice Poppie's diamond neck?

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I love that!

The Zavocki's said...

That's what I love about kids...such a fresh perspective, seeing the world in a different, more "flavorful" light than I see it through my grownup eyes.

Jenny said...

OH, he is so funny! Cooper really sees the world through a whole different set of eyes! I love it!

Mama Jeannie said...

Oh my gosh, Cooper is on a roll, isn't he? Soooo funny! Dad had told me about this conversation, but it's still funny. Little does Cooper know just how 'banilla' his Gibbie's hair would be without her trips to the hairdresser every four weeks. ha-ha

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