I have a friend, who shall remain nameless, that is always amazed at the special talent that my baby boy has... the talent of getting dirty. Not just dirty - very dirty. I think that she even thinks that my precious angel is a dirty influence on her little ones. :) Well, I told her recently as our boys were caking sand into their hair at the park... "If you think that this is bad, I have some pictures to show you." And tonight, as I was perusing my photos, I came across them. Proof that my sweet little boy comes by his dirtiness honestly... He's just always been attracted to a good mud puddle or sand pit or dirt pile.
These pictures were taken in May 2007 - just before he turned 2.
Isn't he just the sweetest little dirty thing ever?

He cleans up real nice though. :)

I love these. What a fun Mom to let him explore.
I absolutely agree with you by letting little ones explore and get dirty. I have tons of pictures of my children playing in the dirt, mud, outside in the water...just having fun. What a great Mom you are!!
Why would anyone want to let their children miss out on the fun of a mud puddle after a spring or summer rain? Not to mention the opportunity to build up good immunities to Lord knows what. Mud and kids just go together and soap and water are faithful to wash it all away when cleanliness is necessary.
I think that RD is going to have to pick herself up off the floor after seeing these pics. They are HILARIOUS!
Those pictures are HILARIOUS! He looks kind of like Asher does now when you can't really see his face. =)
That's one full diaper! :-)
I'm laughing out loud. Somehow I missed seeing this post yesterday. You know I absolutely LOVE the fact that Cooper gets dirty, right? Exploring and being a boy is great. It's not that my kids never get dirty ... it's that they never get Powell dirty. :) You're a great Mom!
"Powell dirty"...that's funny!
Those are great pictures.
Gotta say, my kids are kinda neat freaks like their Momma. Some say I have really messed with their heads as they wouldn't even play in finger paint as babies because there hands would get dirty! HA! What can I say....
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