Thursday, December 11, 2008

25 DaYs Of ChRiStMaS - Day 11

Day 11 - Wrapping Gifts
Today Cooper and I have been home and have been a little under the weather.  With Christmas just 2 weeks away I just couldn't let a day go by without a little Christmas preparation, so we got the gift wrapping supplies out and got our first gifts wrapped and under the tree.  It is such a great feeling to have that project underway.  It is one that is always a bit daunting to me before I get started but one that I always end up enjoying once I am doing it... trying to make the package look as special as I can for the special person that I am wrapping it for.  And the satisfaction of having it done and checked off of the list is great!


Kate said...

Wow! Your presents look gorgeous. Mine look nothing like that. :-(

Mama Jeannie said...

I totally agree. Dreading the wrapping of gifts, enjoying the wrapping of gifts, and the feeling of accomplishment after the gifts are wrapped. Ahhhhhhh...

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