Monday, December 15, 2008

25 DaYs Of ChRiStMaS - Day 15

Day 15 - Counting Down The Days
I think that one of the most fun things about this season is counting down the days until Christmas.  When I was a kid my family had strips of felt that we hung on the wall that had 25 peppermints tied to them, and each year we would eat one piece of candy a day from December 1st through 25th.  (Maxine, didn't you make those?)  As the number of peppermints decreased each day, my excitement increased.  I loved that!  At our house, we have a chalk board - not so tasty, but it's still fun.  Today as Jack wrote the number 10, I was filled with excitement!  No, not everything is done - there are still things to be bought, hardly anything is wrapped, the kids' lists keep changing from day to day... but that will all come together.  I just love Christmas day, and I can't wait for it to get here.  In the mean time, the anticipation of it's arrival is half of the fun!


Mama Jeannie said...

I love that little wreath and chalkboard! How fun to erase and right a smaller number each day until Christmas. I had forgotten about the peppermint felt Christmas calendar. Yes, I believe Maxine did make it too.

Jami said...

That's really cute. My mom has a little countdown Santa with number blocks that you change daily and the kids all love to have the honor of updating it.

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