Cooper has just started drawing people, and I LOVE it! Yesterday as I was erasing The Special Plate and changing it from birthday to Christmas, I let Cooper draw on it for a bit. This is what he drew...Today I got the plate down for him to draw on again... and look what he did!!! He wrote his name for the first time ever. (And he decided that his new little guy needed hair today too.)
This is one of my favorite stages of childhood. The stage when kids draw people whose legs & arms are connected to their heads... and when they start learning to write letters and spell their names... and when sitting with them while they do it is the most important thing that there is to do. Priceless!
I absolutely love that. You need to trace it on a piece of muslin and embroider over it to save forever (a soulemama idea). Adorable!
I love it! Cohen REFUSES to write his name and will only write the letter A over and over and over. SO SO FUN!
Uh Randi, we are Christians.
I don't even know what Corey means... Sometimes I wonder about him.
Cooper is brilliant! :0)
I got it Corey... muslin (Muslim)Get it Amy?
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