My birthday was last Friday, and months ago when Corey and I were discussing it I told him that I just wanted to get away for my birthday. I feel like the stress of life has been mounting, and there just comes a time after a person has endured stress for months (or years) on end that taking a break from it all can kind of reset things. That is what I needed. To be reset. In fact, I have been dreaming of a big red button that I could call my own that simply says "RESET". I really wish I had a button like that.... but I don't. I do, however, have a great husband that took my request to heart and arranged for us to go to a local hotel and do absolutely nothing all weekend. It was so great. We napped, and ate, and watched movies, and did a little shopping, and that is about it. No agenda. No to-do list. No schedule. No rush to get back. It was very much needed and appreciated!
There is no way we could have done it without the help of a few people, and I am so grateful that they were available to help us with our kids! We have not left our kids very many times in the past 12 years - it is not something that is comfortable to me, but sometimes it is necessary. There is just something about leaving your children in the hands of someone that you trust completely with them - a level of relaxation that you can reach when you know that your little ones are happy and well cared for... and that was the case for my kids this weekend. Thank you Nancy, Randi, Cheryl, and Megan for happily taking care of our children... and a GREAT-BIG thank you to my brother and sister-in-law, Coby & Adrielle, who spent the bulk of the weekend caring for Allie, Jack, & Cooper along with their two babies! I loved all of these friends and family members before, and I love them all even more now! You all helped give me the best birthday gift ever.
And Corey - I know that you will probably think of some totally inappropriate, sarcastic comment to leave here... but thank you too! You provided well for me this weekend, and I love you!
Here's to a new, reset year in the life of Amy.
I'm so glad you had a good weekend!
I'm so glad you had an opportunity to "reset." What a blessing, and what a great husband for taking that need so seriously.
Me too! I'm glad you got away! I think that would be the best gift too!!! =)
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