Today has been 5 years since I lost my first baby...
5 years since everything changed.
My sister gave me this ornament today.
It means everything to me that she remembered.
Thank you, Sara.
I still miss you everyday, little one.
Until heaven...
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2 months ago
Amy! I'm so sorry that you've had to suffer such pain. I hate it so much for you. I'm praying for you right now and will continue to do so. Sweet Sara... so special that she acknowledged your grief and made it "ok" for you to be sad and to remember with her. I know that she's your sister but she's also a safe place which is priceless. I love you friend!
Thinking of you, friend. Lovely ornament. How precious to have such a beautiful aknowledgement.
When I saw this post, I got tears in my eyes. I knew I wanted to give it to you when I saw it, but I didn't realize what perfect timing it was at first...I wanted to give it to you when I saw you at the first of the month. I'm glad it worked out the way it did. I love you!
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