I had a great birthday this year, and I have not documented all that others did for me that made me feel so loved and celebrated...
Friday - My actual birthday...
I got a mention on The Special Plate at home. :)

Along with breakfast in bed and a some wonderful gifts from my family, I received this homemade WONDERFUL card from Allie. It is one of my favorite gifts of all time!

I have always wanted a cookie cake for my birthday... and this year I got one!
(Well - two, actually... more on that to come.)

That afternoon, Corey and I went away for the weekend. (As I talked about in
this post.) I also got several sweet phone calls, a hilarious phone messages, a really thoughtful ecard, lots of Facebook messages, and a Sonic gift card from my mom & dad on my birthday.
Monday - Some of my friends got together to celebrate with me...
My friend, Jenny, took on the last minute "hosting job" since the original host for the night, Randi, was at the unexpectedly at the hospital with her son. I was so sad that Randi had to miss the fun evening. The idea for the theme for the night, "Amy's Favorite Things", had originated with her son, Elijah - the one that ended up having an emergency appendectomy about the time that I was having Happy Birthday sung to me.
Because she is just so wonderful - Randi still stopped by Jenny's to decorate the table before going to the hospital... and it was perfect and VERY thoughtful! We ate my favorite dish from Carino's for dinner and drank Sonic drinks.

~ The Centerpiece ~
PJ pants, a Starbuck's mug, a Target advertisement, flip flops, film, chocolate, a Twilight book, People magazined, coffee beans, and the color red - everywhere

The highlight of my night was listening to a song that Jenny wrote that was sung beautifully (I might add) by my sweet friend, Elizabeth.
Amy’s Favorite Things (to the tune of My Favorite Things)
Nice lazy mornings in PJs and barefeet.
Resting in the bath tub a private retreat.
Visits to playgrounds with Cooper on the swings.
These are a few of your favorite things.
Shopping for bargains and watching Jon & Kate Plus 8.
Camping in Colorado and taking Corey out on a date.
Coffee in your flip flops and cheering Jack’s teams.
These are a few of your favorite things.
When the laundry piles
When you can’t sleep
When you’re feeling sad.
Just simply remember your favorite things,
And then you won’t feel so bad.
Photography and blogging and roses from your man.
Staying in hotels and road trips in the mini-van.
Movies and Girl’s nights and watching Allie grow wings.
These are a few of your favorite things.
When the laundry piles
When you can’t sleep
When you’re feeling sad.
Just simply remember your favorite things,
And then you won’t feel so bad.
Isn't that just the greatest?!? It made me laugh so hard... and even cry a bit.
I got some fa-nom-i-nal gifts that night!!! My friends had gone together to get me this beee-u-tiful purse which was even filled with some of my favorite things (I LOVE it!!!), and my sisters gave me a necklace and a Faith Hill Christmas CD.
For dessert, Randi made me a cookie cake with a red candle! (2 in the same year!!!)
The people in my life are definantly my favorite things... and here are 2 of my very most favorite! My sisters!

See? It was a really, really great birthday. Which is good because I was contemplating having a mid-life crisis just the day before. My friends tossed ideas at me that ranged from tattoos to running away to Mexico, but I think that I can stay put for another year after the great birthday that I had this year. THANK YOU to everyone that loved on me so well!!!
I had a great time celebrating your favorite things. Looks like you had a wonderful extended birthday celebration. We wanted 35 to be special for you. And if you're ever feeling sad... just remember your favorite things and then you won't feel so bad.
What fun we had celebrating you! You deserve it all!!!
Sounds like an absolutely wonderful birthday! I love the card from Allie - her handwriting is beautiful. You are doing such a wonderful job of raising & loving your children.
I'm so glad you had such fun and so sorry I missed the party! It was really fun thinking of all your favorite things ... and Jenny's song just cracks me up! I'm glad you have a copy. LOVE Allie's card ... you'll read it many times over the years, I'm sure.
I think my favorite parts of your birthday celebration are Allie's card to you and Elizabeth singing Jenny's song. I am glad that you felt well celebrated. Love you!
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