Last night I was hanging a wreath on my front door with a "3M Command" hanger, and unfortunatly I got it in the wrong place. Luckily, it is the kind of hanger that is easily removable, so I skimmed the directions for removal and began the process. Step 2 - "Grab removal tab to prevent base from snapping your fingers". Can I just say that that little sentence should have been witten in flashing neon lights, and words like "with all of your might" should have been included in the "how to hold the tab" directions? And a sentence like, "You might want to go ahead and dial 911 incase you amputate your fingers" might be a good idea to include on the next batch of hangers. OUCH!
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2 months ago
Alright now you have me a little scared to take mine down after Christmas. Maybe I will just buy a wreath for every season so I don't have to worry about it.
Are you serious? That bad, huh? Ouch!
Oh no -- that's how my stockings have been hung with care. I may have to leave the hooks up forever now!
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