My birthday has come and gone. I am officially a year older, and the theme of my birthday (in my own mind) was "Growing Up... Sometimes It Stinks". Now, I am not one that minds being a certain age or wants to hide the number of years old that I am. I am fine with getting older. The thing that I hate about birthdays is ME. My expectations. I hate that I have them. I hate that having them brings out the most immature side of me. The "It's MY Day!" side of me. The "I want things MY way!" side of me. The... spoiled... side of me. So, for a few days I avoided blogging about my birthday. I was not sure how to merge my embarrassed self-discovery and the wonderful thoughtful things that were done for me into one post. So, I will fore go telling the details of the whiny baby, the kids that fought, the homework that didn't get done, & the messes that were made and concentrate on the things that I am thankful for. Truly, I am blessed.
Wonderful Things About My Birthday:
~ A faithful, loving husband
~ Three healthy kids
~ A daughter that cares about my likes and dislikes and helped her daddy go shopping
~ The Happy Birthday Song sung by my 2 year old that included the words "Happy Birthday To My Mama"
~ A husband that took the day off to spend time with his family on my birthday
~ Sweet, thoughtful gifts from my family... a cozy blanket, Willow Tree figurines that represent my kids, & some yummy Bath & Body Works stuff
~ Phone calls from family
~ A Sonic drink
~ A beautiful day and a beautiful park to spend it at
~ Festive holiday atmosphere and pretty Christmas decorations
~ A Homework Pass for school work (We could have used a few more.)
~ Great dinner with friends at a "fish restaraunt" even though I despise fish (Yes, I picked the spot. And I loved it! Can you say Chicken Fettuccine? Yum-O!)
~ Super Sisters (Em put dinner together for me, Sara drove here from Oklahoma...)
~ Fabulous Friends
~ White Chocolate Peppermint Lattes from Starbucks
~ Laughing until it hurts
~ Gift Cards (I LOVE Gift Cards!)
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! to everyone that made my birthday special and loves me in spite of the growing up that I still have to do.
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2 months ago
(Above comment deleted due to some terrible grammatical errors.)
Happy birthday again, my friend. I love your beautiful and thoughtful list, and your willingness to share what's deep inside -- even if it is your inner whiny baby. :) I loved sharing in your celebration!
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