Recently, as I drove by the Jewish synagogue in town I read the sign outside of their building...
To all of our Christian friends,
Merry X-Mas
At first, I thought, "Aww. That's nice." But then, I was not sure...
I am sure that the sign was put up in the right spirit, but I must say that I hate it when the very reason that Christmas (not "winter break") came to be - a celebration when Christians remember the birth of our savior - is reduced to an "X". Now, I am not a person that is offended every time someone wishes me a "happy holiday", and I don't need to remove the words "Santa Clause" from my vocabulary (actually I LOVE the fat old guy), and if a Jewish person wanted to wish me Happy Hanukkah or Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur, I'd actually like it. But please, if you are going to wish me well on my religion's holiday, don't remove the reason that I am celebrating it from your greeting.
And to the rest of the world... if you are going to celebrate the holiday that involves trees with gifts under it and enjoy the days off of work that are given to you because of the holiday that is on December 25th... please, call it what it is. CHRISTMAS.
And to my Jewish friends... I hope that you had a wonderful Hanukkah.
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2 months ago
I saw that sign too and I've always felt exactly the way you feel - that you're x-ing out the entire reason behind Christmas. BUT, I read a year ago, that the X is actually totally fine ... that it represents the cross, which, of course, represents Jesus. I still will never write it that way though ... because I think most of the world sees it as a way of blocking out the real meaning of Christmas.
I saw the sign also, and though I'm confident it was well intentioned, like Randi said most of the world sees the "X" as an elimination of the Christ. I felt like if was going to be said, it needed to be said fully.
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