His name is Dyson. :)
My parents are visiting this week, and this morning my dad went out to get some dog food and came back with my new best friend. I cried. Really. I did! Admittedly, I have been a bit weepy lately... but a vacuum? Crying over a vacuum?!? I don't even like to clean. But I love... triple love... quadruple love... that my parents surprised me. And truly, we needed a new vacuum cleaner more than you can imagine.
Today I am reminded of when I was a kid and my Granny and Pap would come to visit. My Pap was like a super-man that swooped into the house for the week and fixed things that were broken, and if we needed anything while he was visiting, he was sure to take care of it. He was amazing... the way that he could fix things, and I remember the feeling of being loved and the sense of security that I found in having him and Granny around. Today, my dad was that person all over again for me, and my mom was wonderful as she helped with the housework that seems to pile up on me through the school year. As an adult I have a new-found appreciation for someone bearing my burdens with me. There is nothing like it!
Thanks Mom & Dad for the wonderful, wonderful gift and for being so thoughtful and helpful. I appreciate it - and you - so much!
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2 months ago
Dysons are awesome. I, too, am not a fan of housework. My friends laugh when I complain about cleaning because they know I probably haven't actually done any....I complain if I even think about it! However, I do love my Dyson and will pull it out from time to time and actually clean! Congrats on your new vacuum.
WOW! What a gift...and a blessing! A little whisper of love from the Lord. :-)
Your parents can stay with me the next time they're in town.
So fun! I would LOVE to have a Dyson! Maybe your new best friend could come visit me :-)
That is so fun to be surprised. Enjoy having your parents around. Seems like you'll get lots accomplished!
"...and thanks to Corey for being my year-round Superman"
I found this in Amy's original mock-up of this message and felt obliged to include it for the edification of all.
Oh Corey, you're so funny.... :-)
Glad you're feeling better!
What a true blessing! How cool...
What fun! Dysons are great! You have great parents!
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