Today is my sister's birthday. Sara is one of my best friends...
My sisters and I were together recently, and some friends asked us if we have always been so close. Sadly, I don't have many memories of growing up, and, oh my goodness, in the memories that I do have my brother and sisters drove me absolutely crazy. But now - and for the last several years - I cannot imagine life without them all. As crazy as we can all make each other sometimes, there is nothing like my siblings. And Sara! My sweet sister Sara... I remember when she was a kid, she was always so sensitive - that drove me crazy at the time. After I was grown, I found a letter written in a little girl's handwriting that said something like, "Amy, I love you so much, but you are going to have to love me too. Your Sister, Sara" It breaks my heart that she was so willing to be my friend back then, and I was simply annoyed at the idea. I have that scenario playing itself out in my home right now... if only I had understood back then that not much else in life lasts except relationships. If only I had known what a treasure having a sister was and is. If only I could convey that to my kids now.
Fast forward a few years... Sara is the most giving and selfless person that I know. She has been my lifesaver in this crazy life more than I can recount. One very distinct time comes to mind... She got married a few days before Christmas, and while she was gone on her honeymoon, I started to miscarry my baby. We did not tell her while she was gone - there was nothing that she could do from Mexico. The day she got home, she called and found out what was going on with me and my family. Even though she had only been married a week, even though she had not even spent the night in her new home, and even though her new husband had already been off work for a period of time they were willing to run to my family's rescue. They dropped everything and came and stayed with us for a few days. With her here I never had a thought about if my kids were being taken care of, if my house was going to fall down around me, if it was okay or not for me to sob and cry and question God, if it was acceptable for me to disappear into my room at any given moment, if my laundry was going to get done. She listened to me talk... just listened. She was there for me. Totally. She met needs that I didn't even know that I had. There are unending stories like that that I could tell about my sister Sara. Her kindness and sensitivity have touched more lives than she will ever know.
So, sister, I hope that you have a day that is half as special as you are. I admire you. I wish I was more like you. I appreciate you more than you'll ever know. Happy Birthday!!! I love you!
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2 months ago
So sweet... most people could only dream of having such a wonderful tribute written in their honor. Your sister is blessed to have you!
What a blessing to have such a sweet sister -- a blessing for both of you. It's lovely that she supported you during such hard times.
Now about the fact that she does laundry...
Thank you! You brought tears to my eyes!!! I love you so much! I hate that I'm not able to be "there" for you as much now that my little family is growing, but I love you so much, and I would do anything for you!!! Thank you for the sweet things you said! (And I love that picture! I'll have to print it and frame it.)
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