Can the phrase "It's been a long week." be used on Sunday? I think so!
Today we were home-bound most of the day with the exception of a run that the kids and I made to Jason's Deli for soup & Tom Thumb for ingredients for a home-remedy that Corey found online, Gatoraid, apple juice, etc. I had had big plans to Christmas shop this weekend while Corey was out of town, but obviosly our plans changed drastically. I did get one gift at the grocery store though. Go figure. Corey spent the day in bed... waiting to pass kidney stones (poor guy!), and I did all that I could manage to do to take care of him and the kids while having an amazingly terrible headache amongst other cold symptoms. Needless to say, we are sick and tired of being sick and tired! All I can say is thank goodness for TV. The kids and I watched Janette Oke's Love Comes Softly movie-a-thon last night and today on the Hallmark channel which consisted of 5 movies. We all loved them, but Jack did say, "It seems like someone always gets married at the end of these kind of movies." I guess they are a bit predictable. Then, tonight was the big Survivor finale. We love Survivor Finale Night! It is kind of a mini-Super Bowl for our family. Finally, I am starting to feel a little better now that it is 2:00 in the morning, but I feel that I must try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a huge homeschool day for us, we have an appointment to go to, Corey will probably still be home waiting for the big event, and I will have to tackle this house and the laundry at some point soon.
Needless to say, I am counting the moments until Christmas break! Thursday afternoon cannot get here soon enough!
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2 months ago
1 comment:
Hang in there - hope everyone, especially Corey feels better soon!
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