Corey & I love snow skiing - the beautiful mountains, the crisp air on your face, the peaceful rides on the ski lifts, the hot cocoa, the sheer joy and exhaustion at the end of the day... So when we were able to take our kids skiing for the first time, it was a dream come true for us. Really! Allie was 6, and Jack was almost 3. Allie did ski-school, and after a couple of days she was able to ski all over that mountain with us! It was a blast. Jack was too young for ski-school, so he wore his tiny little skis, and we would just ski with him between our legs or just pick him up and hold him as we skied down the run (when our backs hurt too bad from leaning over to ski with him). He would laugh and yell all the way down the slope, "Faster! Faster!" These were the ornaments that Allie & Jack received in 2003 to remember their first ski trips.
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2 months ago
Lady, you are crazy! James really wants to go skiiing, but I see no point in strapping myself to two pieces of lumber and flinging myself down a mountain towards eminent doom. Seriously, you got your frostbite, your decapitation, your general obliteration of bones. That's fun to you? :)
Well, I was going to give you an all-expense-paid vacation to the mountains for Christmas, but I guess you wouldn't like it. Too bad!
Thanks for the thought, but unless there was a promise of hot chocolate, a roaring fire, spa services, and long girl-chats, I'm not interested.
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