Because of Emily's tag, I am listing (in no particular order and probably leaving off some very important things) ten things that make me happy...
1. Watching stupid shows on TV with Corey that make him laugh
2. Cozy blankets
3. Sonic drinks
4. When people remember little things about me
5. When my kids get along
6. Seeing the mountains for the first time after a long time
7. Watching movies at the movie theatre
8. Bargains
9. Feeling the cold air on my face on a sunny winter day
10. Marble Slab ice cream (1/2 Coffee, 1/2 Chocolate with Snickers mixed in on a waffle cone)
oh... and laughing with my kids, and newborn babies, and beautiful photography, and sleeping late (or sleeping, at all), and massages, and things that are monogramed, and being with my sisters, and shopping with my daughter, and laughing until it hurts, and my favorite coffee creamer, and staying in nice hotels, and having my hair washed at the beauty shop, and my favorite radio show, and James Taylor, and flip flops, and long, deep conversations with friends, and People magazine, and Peppermint Twist body wash & lip gloss, and taking hot baths, and getting my car washed & vacuumed, and pajamas, and snow skiing, and having my maid come clean my house.... oh, wait... I was dreaming on that last one.
So, there you go. I could go on and on. Obviously!
Tag. You're it.
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2 months ago
I love this post! Especially the "Oh...and" part. Love you!
Lots of great things ... I had no idea you like James Taylor. I love him too.
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