Tonight, in anticipation of Corey's weekend full of work (eeek!), we had a family night. After his long day at work, Corey brought home flowers, candy, & a Sonic drink for me and candy for the kids (Could he be more great?), we ordered out from our favorite Italian restaurant, we had a fire in the fireplace, and we all watched a movie that we had not seen in several years. Harvey. I don't even know how we heard about that movie (It is almost twice as old as I am.), but we discovered it when Allie was little and watched it often then. It had been several years since we broke out the old VHS tape, but tonight that was what Corey was in the mood for... and it was so good. It took the kids a while to get used to the simple acting, horrible singing, and silly sayings... and Jack even asked Corey to "turn the color on", but after a while we all forgot that we were watching an "oldie" and just thought about that it was a "goodie". Our favorite line in the movie is when Elwood P. Dowd (Stewart) says, "Years ago, my mother used to say to me, she'd say: 'In this world, Elwood,' she always used to call me Elwood. 'In this world, Elwood, you must be oh, so smart or oh, so pleasant.' Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you can quote me." And that is what he is... and what the movie is... Pleasant. To tell you the truth, I think that watching Corey watch it... and then talk about it for days... is my favorite part. I think that he wishes that he were Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant. He loves those good ole boys. I love them too. When I see them, I think about how my Pap must have been like them in some ways, and I long for times as simple as they seem to be in the movies that they made. Anyway, I hope that by watching this simply pleasant movie that we will become just a little bit more simple and pleasant too.
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2 months ago
Love your post and now plan to add the movie to my list. Are there giant rabbits involved, as the movie poster suggests?
Simple and pleasant.... that sounds nice. :-)
My Uncle Bob loaned me the movie.
Amanda... You'll have to see for yourself. :)
I want to check that out now! I love old movies, esp. Carey Grant, and Jimmy Stewart is a classic.
What a fun time.
What a great night. I look forward to the days that Allan and I can have a fun family night with our kid(s) and it not include chase and Elmo (although that is fun too).
I LOVE this post Amy! And Jimmy Stewart is definitely one of dad's and my favorites of all time. However, I'm not sure I have ever seen "Harvey". Can you imagine?! We'll rent it right away, build a fire and who knows, maybe dad will bring me flowers. ha-ha
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