Thursday morning we were getting ready to go play with some of Cooper's friends. As we always do before we go see people, we were going through the names of everyone that we would see later that day... I said, "We are going to see Luke & Lila." (twin brother and sister) Cooper said, "Yea! Luke and Lila!"... "Are they my brothers?"
Then, this morning at breakfast Cooper said, "I want to see Skyler." (his cousin) "She's my 'gril'." Could there be anything cuter?!? She is "HIS GIRL"!
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2 months ago
We keep laughing over the brothers comment ... so cute! I'm glad they're little friends.
That just melts my heart!! We love him, too, and can't wait to see you guys!! Give Coop a kiss from his girl!
I LOVE how my family loves!! Cooper is so great and soooo funny!
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