Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Here's the deal - I have a big problem with contentment.  

Oddly enough, I don't think that I have trouble with being thankful.  In fact, I make a point of going over things in my head that I am thankful for, blogging about things that I am thankful for, thanking God for things that I am thankful for, talking to my kids about things that we should be thankful for, learning about other people's stories that make me truly thankful for mine. There is so much to be thankful for.  But there is also a ton that I find flat out unfair.  I have always thought that by having a thankful heart,  a person would also have contentment.  So far, that is not the case for me.  Or maybe I am not truly thankful or thankful enough... or something.

So, this is my "resolution"... I guess.  Become content.  Though there are so many others that I could have and probably should have... I am hoping that if by some miracle I can find contentment, I will be able to tackle some of my other hang-ups.

In my searching for how to find contentment, I discovered yet another blog entry by one of my bloggy friends that spoke to me...

I can think of nothing more destructive to contentment than comparison.  When we measure ourselves and our life experiences based on those of others, it breeds dissatisfaction.  It can lead to a longing and a striving that destroys the very fabric of what is beautiful—uniqueness, distinction, differences...


Emily said...

Wow that is a fantastic quote and a great resolution. Good luck with that! I know where you are coming from.

Ila Brook said...

I think you've hit the nail on the head, so to speak. I think lack of contentment and comparing ourselves/situations/etc to other people/situations/etc is directly linked. I hope you are able to master contentment.... then you can teach me all you've learned! You can be my contentment guru! :-)

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

That is an awesome quote ... I need to read that over and over. I can totally relate to this post ... it's been something I've been thinking about a lot over the last couple of days and praying about. Here's to a very content new year!

Emily said...

Same here. LOVE the quote! That's a "good word"...as someone we know and love would say. =) HaHa! LYLAS!

Sara said...

Oops! That last quote was from me.

Sara said...

Not quote...comment. Whatever. I'm smoking crack!

Emily said...

Don't you just love that freak of a sister we have!
Written by the REAL Emily

Sara said...

I SAW that!

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