...and who wasn't? I haven't blogged about my amazing Estate Sale experience this weekend...
I hardly ever go to Estate Sales. Since my bargain hunting usually has more to do with kid-related-items and not furniture, dishes, and the like, I am more of a garage sale, discount store, thrift store cheap-o. Well, this weekend, my friend Elizabeth and I stopped by an Estate Sale in my neighborhood. It was an hour before they closed on their final day, so everything that was left was 75% off or more. Elizabeth got a small table for a steal, and I got a few odds and ends for $4. I noticed, however, that they had boxes upon boxes of Legos for sale. When I got home, I mentioned them to Jack, my little Lego-engineer, and he wanted to go spend some of his own money on them. When we arrived back at the house (about 15 minutes to closing time) they had taken down the Estate Sale sign and were loading everything that was left into trash bags and were going to donate it all. I said, "How much will you take for all of the Legos?" And the lady said, "$5"... The original price that they had on the boxes of Legos equalled $50. We were so excited. I could tell that they were going to practically give stuff away at that point, so I made another trip through the house and came up with a few things that I could not live without. ;) I got a large wall mirror that they had marked $140 for $10 and some odds and ends that I paid $5 for like a botanical picture that was marked $20 and a pewter ladle that I had wanted the first time I was there.
Oooooh! I just love bargains!
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2 months ago
I am absolutely as jealous as jealous can be, and I should hope that you would call me -- your most frugal friend (yea, right) -- when you happen upon such a deal in the future. You know I would drive to the ends of the earth for a good bargain.
I'm jealous too. I love estate sales and they're so much harder to find ... especially ones with really great bargains. The pewter ladle sounds so great!
That's AMAZING!!! HOW FUN!!! I wish I could've been there!
What the heck is a pewter ladle?
Oh my gosh! Emily's a moron!
How fun! And what a deal for Jack too! I can only imagine all the legos that fill your house in every nook and cranny. What a picture of it I have in mind right now. If you ever go to another estate sale and see some pretty (even mismatched) china, let me know. I'm looking for plates, saucers, soup/salad bowls in particular. We're still eating off Christmas dishes because dad our old cheap dishes with the chipped edges are too ugly. Go figure.
You guys should see my amazing table! 10 bucks down from 50! And a beautiful set of heirloom crib sheets and pillowcase for 2 bucks. I might have my mom make a dress out of them for Emma. I LOVE a good estate sale!
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