Saturday, January 26, 2008

What I Do At Stop Lights

Remember those tri-fold make up mirrors with the lights that ran down the sides that were all the rage in junior high?  Do people even use those any more?  Well, not me.  I put my makeup on in the car almost every day.  (And Allie actually captured it last week.)  I keep all of the cosmetics that I use in my makeup bag, and basically my little bag never leaves the floor of my van... except when it is in my lap as I apply my make up.  This ritual saves me about 6 1/2 minutes in my getting-out-the-door-routine each day.  They don't call us moms "multi-taskers" for nothing.


Elizabeth said...

I've been doing that since high school! Either while I'm driving, or someone else is driving. On the very rare occasion do I actually sit down at my makeup mirror and enjoy the process. That cracks me up that you do it too. It drive Scott crazy (and not in a good way - ha!)

Sara said...

That post is hilarious! Love the pic!

Mama Jeannie said...

Danger danger!! Please get up 6 1/2 minutes earlier, OK? I know all your girls do this, but I so much want you to stay safe. Does that sound totally like a mama thing to say? Ah well.

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