On New Year's Eve we went to my sister & brother-in-law's house. Yes, as was previously reported by the paparazzi, I may have fallen asleep a bit early... in the middle of the living room floor... on a kid's chair... holding a flashlight. I was tired! Okay?!? I did however wake up to watch the ball drop in NYC and kiss my honey then watch the crazy-Evel-Knievel-kind-of-guy do an enormously crazy motorcycle jump. Twice! We left to head home shortly before midnight and counted down with the radio to the real 12:00am. Corey & I kissed again at the 4-way-stop with a car full of kids in the backseat. Ooooh! So romantic... reminds me of the good ol' days on New Year's Eve. :)
Toasting The New Year...
Allan & Em - Our hosts :) ~
Toasting The New Year...
Allan & Em - Our hosts :) ~

Jack with his fancy apple juice ~

Coop loves his Uncle Joe! He found a comfy place to watch football on his tummy, and he excitedly watched the motorcycle jump with Joe. (Yes, the kids call Allan... Joe. There is a story to that. It makes perfect sense. I promise.) Cooper actually made it to midnight thanks to a late nap on New Year's Eve. ~

Our Family - The only family photo that we took this Christmas/ New Years. Yes, it was at the end of the evening. Can't you tell by the way that I am glowing?

Claire & Skyler slept through most of the "party". This photo was the next day... after Sky's trip to the ER... after she "fed" 2 of her dog's anti-seizure pills to her doll and "took" 2 herself. Come to find out after a blood-draw and lots of tears from her and her mommy, the girl has an imagination. Her blood test came back all clear. Thank God!!! Cooper was very impressed that she got to have a popsicle and has played "doctor" many times since he went to visit her at the ER. His play always involves a pretend popsicle.

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