Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I know that when it comes to my kids I can get pretty mushy... so here's fair warning.

Tonight I went into the gym to pick Jack up from basketball practice. Unusually, I was alone. No sidekick (aka, Cooper).  It is not very often that I get to watch the big kids play their sports with my full attention, and I realized as I was standing there that I was soaking it in.  Every little detail.  The way that Jack scooted in circles on the floor on his bottom as he looked for someone to pass the ball to after he fell made me laugh out loud and smile for a solid minute or two.  His  innocence in breaking the rules... with pure determination... was hilarious. The way that he ran down the court with his hands above his head like his team had just won the championship game after a teammate scored a basket in their scrimmage made me proud.  He is always so proud of the success of others.  The way that he ran to the huddle, listened to his coach, then put his hand in and screamed with all of his might at the end of practice made me cry... really!  Those little boys were so cute in that huddle... and little.  Sometimes I forget that they are so little.  The way that he enthusiastically said "bye" to his teammates that he didn't know before a few weeks ago but is sure that they will be friends for life made my heart twinge with pain.  Though he won't even mind, it is sad to me how little kid friendships come and go so quickly.

So tonight,  I am thankful for a moment that I was granted the clarity of thought and the chance to carpe diem as I watched my little boy just be a little boy.  Time is passing so quickly, and I often forget or simply don't have the quiet moments that I need to absorb all that is going on around me.  

Today I did.


Sara said...

That is so sweet! I'm glad you were able to have that time. I love Jack!!!

Emily said...

That makes me get a little teary. He really is such a great kid, I love him!

Elizabeth said...

Precious. Totally had one of those moments last night with Sam. Tucking him back into bed after he woke up in the middle of the night. So innocent, sweet, tender. Breaks my heart in a good way! :-)

Mama Jeannie said...

Beautiful mommy thoughts. Yes, time is so fleeting, isn't it?

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