Friday, October 5, 2007


I was talking with a friend a few days ago, and she was telling me how her pastor was talking about how people tend to think that God is going to love a "future-version" of themselves more than He loves them now... He'll love me more once I can kick this habit or that, when I can read a bigger chunk of the Bible each day, when I do this good deed or that, when I am older and wiser, when I sin less, when I have more good days than bad ones, etc. I think that in some way, that is how I was living. I don't think that I had made a conscious decision that that is what I believed, but I don't think that I was secure in knowing the depth of my Creator's love for me. The fact is, He will not love us more tomorrow than He does today... and He didn't love us more yesterday, if that was one of our "good days". He has always and will always love us. He loved us before we were ever born. Before we could make a choice to love Him back or not. Before we had all of those "bad days".

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


Elizabeth said...

Okay, that is just so hard to wrap my mind around, you know? I think I know He loves me like that in my mind, but do I really believe it in my heart? Do I live my life like He loves me with that kind of love? Good thoughts today, Amy, thank you!

Corey Powell said...

I know God loves me and is most happy with me.

Amy said...

My man... so deep and sensitive and supportive... and such a freakin' comedian.

Amanda said...

Thanks for reminding us of the truth, Amy. It is easy to be forward-looking in a self-punishing sort of way. It's important to remember that God loved us at our worst, and that even tomorrow, whether good or bad, His love for us is unchanging. What a relief.

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