... or at least one of the best.
This morning Corey and I went on a golfing date. No, I don't golf, but I had this idea that riding along with him while he played would be very relaxing and fun. I was right! We had so much fun being alone together. Really ALONE! Undistracted. We hardly ever get times like that. We got to visit, I got to read a bit, he got to play some golf... and we got to be together. Without distraction. For 4 whole hours! It was amazing! Like a mini-vacation. The course that he played is beautiful, the weather was nice and cool for most of the round, and I got to see with my own 2 eyes that it really does take 4 hours to play golf. :)
Thanks to my little sis, Emily, for watching little Cooper, so we could have this much-needed time together! We appriciate you so much!
Corey looked super sexy (and very professional, I might add) in his Tiger-Woods-Red shirt!
Corey's nickname in high school was Shark...
Kickin' Back and RELAXING!
This sweet mama duck & her ducklings reminded me of me & my 3 babies.
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2 months ago
Yeah for fun ALONE dates!!!! I am so glad that I could be of service. I love hanging out with Coop and so does The Bear.
aw....i'm glad you had sweet time together! yeah for dates!
Sigh. I am so jealous. I need a day on a golf cart, or on the course. At this point, I'd take either.
Amy,I rejoice at your rejoicing! How fun that you and Corey got to be alone for several hours to just simply enjoy each other... simply beautiful is what I think.
Love, Mama
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