This morning I was reading through some of my old entries. I don't have a very good memory, so I love going back and reading stories about my kids... things that I would think that I would never forget when they happen, but I always do. I have not been good at recording heart-felt stories or funny things that my kids have done over the last 11 years. I guess it took too much time, energy, and thought (all things that I was short of) to sit down with a journal and write. However, this cyber-journaling thing works really well for me. So, I decided that as I remember things that I want to record in my memory - and in theirs - I will retro-post them here. So, here goes...
June 2003
It was Vacation Bible School week at our church. Jack was 3. Getting out the door in the mornings - especially when it is not part of our regular routine - is not my forte. I don't remember all that was going on that morning, but I do remember that I had a lot to organize and bring with me as I was helping at VBS. I got my kids dressed, loaded the car, and told the kids to go get in. We drove to the church and as we were getting ready to go in Jack said in his most serious and to-the-point way... "Pants!" "I forgot my pants." I turned around to see the little boy that I had fully dressed earlier that morning sitting in his car seat... in his undies. Evidentially, he had gone to the bathroom just before we left the house and had not put his shorts back on when he was done. Of course there was not enough time to go home and get pants as I had responsibilities at VBS in a matter of minutes, and I could not make him go in without them to "learn his lesson". Thankfully, there was a pair of shorts in the nursery closet that got us through the day.
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