We put our house on the market last spring. We love our home, our neighbors, our neighborhood... so this was a heartbreaking decision for me. But it had to be done. We fully expected that it would sell quickly - everything around us had sold very quickly up to that point. Well, 63 showings later... here we are. Still living in the home that we love. I am not sure why we are still here, but one reason might be this... For the almost 5 years that we have lived in this house we have never had this expereince, but since the house has been on the market, we have had 3 monumental roof leaking expereinces. I mean, to the point that the celing texture has fallen off and professional repairs have to be made. The latest of these experiences was last night. It makes no logical sense to me. Maybe there is something about this plan that I don't understand...
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2 months ago
I'm so sorry! That darn roof!!!=) I know you're sick of this. I love you!!!
Nothing is more frustrating than home repairs! And to be addressing the same problem over and over must be really tiresome. Hang in there!
To be fair, I wouldn't blame the husband.
Not blaming anyone...
This is when Steve would say it's the real-estate Gods playing tricks on you. Why don't you just get a voodoo doll of you house and start sticking pins in it? Maybe it would help you feel like you're in control. :-)
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