That's right. I woke up at 2am this morning. It was the sound of the dripping rain that first woke me up... or at least that is what I discovered that it was after laying there and listening to it for 45 minutes at which point I could not get back to sleep. So, I decided to go check my email and favorite blogs... you people need to post more, so I'll have more to read in the middle of the night. I was still not sleepy at that point, so I decided to see if the TV would do the trick and help me get back to dreamland. After watching an astonishing story that made me wish I was Leona Helmsley's dog (i.e. heir of 12 million dollars), I finally dozed. It must have only been a few minutes before I was woken by the sound of my sweet husband practicing his guitar. Doesn't everyone's man practice a musical instrument at 5am in the morning?!?! I guess his rendition of Smoke On The Water is getting pretty good because it eventually lulled me back to sleep... only to be awakened to the sound of glass bowls banging around in the kitchen. It was 7:15. Jack had woken up and come downstairs to find water POURING from the ceiling. Corey was gone to work, and he couldn't find me (I was on the couch.) so he took matters into his own hands. Good boy! He did great... it was not his fault that the water was filling the bowl at monumental speed. By the time I got there, the floor was sopping wet and the bowl was overflowing. I called Corey - repeatedly, until he answered - and got him out of a meeting. All I had time to say was, "Water is pouring from the ceiling. You HAVE to come home RIGHT NOW!" The dog was whimpering and needed to go potty. NOW. So, I started looking for an ice chest - the biggest thing that I could think of to catch water - and told the kids to let Milly out to pee. I didn't mention that we don't have a fence and Milly is in heat. The last thing we need right now is a bunch of puppies, so I had to abandon the waterfall in my dining room to go fetch the dog. (Isn't that supposed to happen the other way around?) I ran outside in my pajamas and started yelling my head off for the dog. My neighbor's were sitting on their porch enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee (LUCKY THEM!) when they pointed out where Milly had gone. I said, "It is raining in my dining room and my dog is in heat!" That is kind of like "Good Morning" right? Thank God they ran over and helped me. Todd ran upstairs and turned the water off and Casey helped me switch the overflowing bowl of water out. I finally got it all under control, wet/dry vacuumed the floor, snuggled Cooper then Allie, fed the boys their breakfast, changed Cooper's diaper, and got school underway... all by 9am!
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2 months ago
Yikes! Is everything okay now? So what was leaking? The week we moved into the new house, water was pouring through the bathroom vent, so I can relate ... not a fun way to start the day!
That is so terrible that I am laughing. I mean not like hahawhat a funny story, more of a haha what else can happen. I am sorry that is how your day need a pedicure!
Okay, that's awful! But your putting it to paper made it laughable. Bless your truly are wonder woman! :-)
Oh my gosh!!!! By all means go get a pedicure. (Em, that was a great idea) I'll pay for it! Money is in the mail. Yeah, what was leaking if Todd turned off the water? Praise God for good neighbors, huh? It's not funny... but, Amy, that story was sooo funny! I am beyond sorry that not only do you need to sell your house, but that it seems, in some ways, to be falling apart for Pete's sake. Good grief! The sun just has to eventually break through this life-storm. It just has to!!!! Good job Jack; way to take matters into your own hands. Love you, Mama
I am not sure what was leaking. It has to do with the toilet I think. Corey worked until 9pm last night, so he still has not had time to make a good diagnosis. Hopefully by this weekend we will have that situation under control... so we can move on to the next one. Oy! Thank God for multiple bathrooms!
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