Monday, September 24, 2007

My Baby's Head

Okay, I know I am beyond-sentimental about some things...

Tonight I was laying on the couch with my baby boy watching Little Einstien's. I was running my fingers through his hair and rubbing his head when I realized... his soft spot is almost gone. When did that happen? How did I miss it? I think that I have known to soak in everything that I can more with this baby than I knew to with the first two babies, but I guess that I cannot catch every "first" or "last" no matter how hard I try to. Thank God for cameras, and scrapbooks, and jouranls, and blogs. By recording things like what my newborn baby's head looked like just minutes after he was born I can compare it to the present and not feel like I have lost quite so much.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then & Now~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 comment:

Ila Brook said...

You inspire me, Amy. Your posts always make me think, always make me want to tell my own stories. Thanks for sharing your life. I'm grateful to be a part of it- even if it's only virtually. :-)

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