These are the ornaments that I gave Corey on 2 of the years that babies were added to our family.
The 4 Of Us...
Turning Into The 5 of Us...
It is funny how when you think of some things they can seem so distant yet so close all at the same time. It is hard to remember a time in my life that I was not a wife or a mom. That is just "who" I am. When I had Allie it was like the one moment that I had waited my entire life for had finally happened. I could not imagine doing anything besides loving her and taking care of her. When I was expecting Jack, I was nervous that I would not know how to love him with the depth that I loved her. I didn't know how he would "fit" into my happy little family. But he did. Soon after he was here, I couldn't imagine life without him. It was as if he had always been. Getting Cooper here was a chore. I had never wanted something so desperately as I did when I was expecting him. I tried to have a baby to hold in my arms for so long that I think once he arrived, that place was warmed up and ready to go. He was where he was supposed to be - where my heart had ached for him to be. So, of course, he fit. I always knew that growing a family from 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 members would happen. It would somehow miraculously work, but I still don't understand how a heart can expand and love so much when it is already loving to its full capacity. It is a mystery, but I am thankful for it.
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2 months ago
I'm really loving all of your sweet and insightful posts. We need some more traditions!
Amy, you have expressed so well what my mama's heart has felt for years. Thank you sweet girl.
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