When Allie was born I received this Precious Moments ornament for her "First Christmas". I loved it, and it matched the "Our First Christmas Together" ornament that we received when we got married. When the boys arrived, and I needed to get an ornament for their first Christmases, I wanted on that matched Allie's, so theirs are Precious Moments ones as well. I think it is cute how both of the little boys are holding birds. Hmmm... I think that this is all saying something about me. I like things that match. :)
In 2003 I was pregnant in December, so it was natural that I received many baby & maternity things for my birthday & Christmas. Who knew that only days after I received this ornament for baby #3 I would lose it. At the time I was so sad that I had material things to remind me of my pain... that my presents were "waisted" on a baby that was not to be (I know... irrational and a bit crazy). But soon after those feelings came and went, the ones of thankfulness to have anything that I could actually see and touch that reminded me of my baby came and stayed. Anything that said, "Yes, I had this baby... If only in my heart. If only for a few months. It was my baby, and it deserves an ornament on our tree like my other children." For that reason, I love this ornament, and I actually keep it (and the next one) out in our home all year round on an ornament tree that I have for the super-special, just-can't-put-them-away, not-too-Christmasee ornaments.
Only 6 months later another baby came and went, and I knew in that summer month that I must find a Christmas ornament. Now, it is hard to find an ornament for a baby that is not with you anymore. There are plenty of "Baby's 1st Christmas" ornaments (but my baby never got to have its first Christmas), or baby bottles (but my baby never got to take a bottle), or baby shoes (but my baby never got to wear shoes). So when I saw this empty, yet beautiful, baby carriage I knew that it was the one. My literal and figurative baby carriage was empty, yet the baby that was supposed to be inside was as real and wonderful and perfect as the silver ornament that I found to remember it by.
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2 months ago
1 comment:
Amy, I love that you have your 'lost' babies in your heart and that you celebrate them with the pretty ornaments that honor them. These beautiful children are precious and just as real as any of us. Someday you will hold them in your arms and they will hold you in theirs. I love these, my grandchildren, so very much.
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