Oh my goodness! Allie & I had the most wonderful time together Sunday & Monday. This year, instead of a birthday party, she wanted to have a hotel/ shopping trip - just me and her. It just so happened that the American Girl Boutique and Bistro was opening in Dallas this past weekend, so that was the focus and highlight of our weekend together.
Sunday morning, we left the boys with Poppie & Gibbie in Waco and headed north. We stopped in Hillsboro at the outlet mall and Allie did some damage at Claire's and the Gap Outlet with her birthday money. It was tons of fun! Then, we were off to Dallas.
Allie is a doll-girl. She rocked her babies from the time that she could sit up. She named her first baby Di-Di when she was only one. A doll is what she bought with her money the first time that she saved her money up to buy something. I am a doll-person too. I didn't know how much of one that I was until I had her, but I am. I love them. And I love that she loves them.
Allie got her first American Girl doll 5 years ago. It was around then that we heard about the American Girl Place in Chicago. (At that time, it was the one and only AG store.) We had dreams of going to that dream doll store together, and for 5 years I have been hoping and wishing that I could take my little girl to Chicago. Well, I have not gotten to do that, but last week one of only 5 stores American Girl stores opened in Dallas. As time has passed and she grew, Allie's intrest in dolls has changed. She does not play with them like she once did, but she still loves them, and collects them, and appreciates their beauty and intricacies. So, going to the new American Girl Place was something that we had been counting down the months and weeks and days to. And, it was all that we had hoped for! It was fabulous! When it opened on Saturday, there were people waiting to get in that had spent the night on the sidewalk all night waiting for the doors to open. Then, there was a line to get into the store all day. Thankfully, we missed that chaos and just got in on a small-scale version of that chaos on Sunday... just enough to make it really exciting. It was crowded and excitment filled the air. There were little girls in their fancy dresses pushing their doll strollers that reminded me of days gone by and there were bigger girls dressed in their big girl stylish clothes, carrying their dolls, holding their mom's hands, and excitedly pointing things out that they had been dreaming of.
So, Sunday we shopped at the American Girl store and found a few treasures then we headed over to the Galleria to eat at LaMadeline (one of our favorites places to eat together) and to shop at Limited Too, so Allie could spend her birthday gift cards. We literally shopped until we almost dropped, and it was great!
Then, we were off to the hotel. I found an American Girl package at Embassy Suites that was phenominal! The slumber party package included a bed for Allie's doll which had satin sheets and chocolate on the pillow (and we got to bring it home!!!) and a pizza, cookies, & coke that was delivered to our room. We also enjoyed the hotel's beautiful swans in the atrium, hot cooked breakfast, indoor pool & hot tub, and shuttle service to the Galleria.
Monday morning Allie wanted to be at the American Girl store when it opened... and we were! She was even the first one in the store that day. Later that afternoon, we had lunch at the bistro (of course, Kit joined us) which was wonderful! Our waitress was super-sweet and even gave Allie a birthday gift, we sat exactly where Allie had hoped to - a table by the window, and the food was great. Everything about it was special!
After lunch, we stopped by Grapevine Mills Mall to squeeze in a little more shopping before picking the boys up at my sister's house.
It was truly one of the most special times in my life. Allie is the daughter I always dreamed of. I love spending time with her and watching her do the things that she loves. I feel so blessed that I got to do that this weekend!
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2 months ago
1 comment:
I am so excited and thankful that your weekend with Allie was so amazing! It was fun reading about it; I can only imagine how fun it was to live it. Give Allie an extra hug for me today... just because. :0) I think what you expressed is how I felt that time I came and got you out of school when you were about Allie's age and we went to Mr. Burger for a surprise Ocean Water in the middle of the day; or the time you and I went to McKinny for for your birthday and bought your ski jacket. I LOVE those memories. I love how what you write brings up so many precious moments in my mind. Your love for your children blesses others more than you can know sweet girl.
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