This morning I woke up at 3:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. Sometime a few hours later I got myself back to sleep on the couch. (FYI, my alarm clock is not in the living room.) On school mornings I get up at 6am, and we leave the house at 7:15. Today, at 7:10 Allie came to me on the couch, wide-eyed, and exclaimed, "Mom! We have to leave in 5 minutes!" We were all still asleep... or at least had been only a matter of moments before. We flew into fast-motion, and I am proud to say that I got 2 kids dressed, 2 backpacks packed, 1 water bottle made, 2 snacks packed, 1 math lesson graded, 1 face washed, several teeth brushed, 3 kids into the car, 1 dog let out to pee, 1 dog put back into the house, breakfast for 2 kids, studied for 3 tests, AND got my kids to school on time.
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2 months ago
There must be extra crowns in the heavens for that! :)
That is an absolute mommy miracle!! Bet Cooper didn't know what hit him, did he? ha-ha
Whew! It's 3:00 P.M. and I'm still in my pajamas. I don't envy your day at all. :)
WOAH! I'm impressed!
You make me tired reading this! I'm so impressed!
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