My boys LOVE football! They love to watch it in person, watch it on TV, play it on the Wii, play it in person... but until lately they never really played it together. Today, they have played it a lot. Together. It is so cute! I never really knew if they would play much together because of their age difference, but I am beginning to think that they will. I guess as long as you are willing to be tackled, you are an acceptable playmate. As I sit and listen to Jack say, "Take it like a man!" to his baby brother after a tackle and Cooper say "Blue 42" before each and every play, I just have to smile.
Down, Set, Hut ~
Jack making the tackle ~
And, he's down ~
Coop giving his brother a little TLC after a hit to the lip ~
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2 months ago
I LOVE that they play together. I guess it is true that sports bring pretty much anyone together no matter the age difference. I mean in our family you could have at least seven guys with ages ranging from two to fifty six all watching and enjoying football.
Amy, they are too cute!!! You are so blessed that your boys adore each other and play so well together. It's taken a LONG time for Sam and Ian to finally play together...part of that was Ian's speech issues (Sam doesn't like to play with kids that don't talk...isn't that nice? ugh!) but now that he's speaking clearly they play a lot. Cooper is getting so big!
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