This past weekend was a great mixture of football games, birthday celebrations, a parade, deer hunting, shopping, and misc. family-time for our family. It was very busy and full, but it was really great. I took 311 pictures in 4 days... no I won't bore you with all of them... but since I am such a "picture person" (obviously!) that is how much of the story of our weekend wil be told.
Allie started her Waco weekend with a shopping trip with my mom on Friday. She has not spent a ton of one-on-one time with her Gibbie, and she loved their day together which included lunch and shopping at three of her favorite store. On Saturday morning my parents had breakfast at their house for the family to celebrate Allie's birthday. One of my favorite things that my mom did to make the day special were the pictures of Allie from the last several years that she printed and strung up. It was fun to see how much my little girl has grown and changed in the last few years. After breakfast, we had cookie cake (Allie's favorite) and pudding (Allie's request in leu of ice cream), and she opened her gifts. She was thrilled with them all! Later that day, we played a party game... the put a name on your forehead and ask yes or no questions to try to figure out who you are game. It was fun. Allie won the game (She was Hannah Montana. No fair!), but I had a really hard time figuring out I was Santa Claus.
Allie & Gibbie before their shopping trip
Allie, Poppie, & Gibbie at her birthday breakfast
Cooper enjoying watermelon
Allie Cat with her birthday cake
Jack entertaining us with birthday candles in his ears... or "ear wax" as Allan called it. :)
Me and my girl
Playing party games
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2 months ago
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