I am not a Baylor Bear, but I have a brother and 2 sisters that are alumni and a mom that works at the university, so I feel some connection to Baylor. This weekend was homecoming, so our family enjoyed the parade and the football game... although both were a little disappointing on some level. Parade: It moved SUPER SLOWLY this year, and waiting is not the virtue that 5 little kids, a few sleep-deprived parents, and a sick pregant lady exhibit early on a Saturday morning. Plus we were at the end of the parade route, so many of the floats were out of candy by the time they got to us. Game: Texas Tech - 38, Baylor - 7... Need I say more?!? But all in all, it was fun just to be together with my big ol' family.
Waiting for the parade to start
Coby, Adrielle, & Skyler watching the parade
Allie & Cooper looking at Joy the Baylor Bear
Allie saying "Sic Em Bears" at the game
Skyler & Cooper watching the band... they loved this part!
Poppie's lap - one of Cooper's favorite places to be
The "A Cousins" - Allie & Asher
Allie took this picture of Cooper and me, and I LOVE it! It captures the moment perfectly. Allie seems to be very artistic and has a good eye for photography, and I am glad that she shares my passion.
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2 months ago
That really is a great photo (you look at Cooper like that all the time!) and it's neat to see that Allie took it! Good for her!
I flippin LOVE that picture of you and Coop. I think that you should blow it up and put it in your house somewhere!
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