Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Our Cooking Disaster

As we were trying to make Alligator Cookies tonight Jack said, "You've got to blog about this and call it 'Our Cooking Disaster'."... so there you go.

We have a children's book called Alligator Cookies. In the back of it is a recipe... a cute little poem that is a spoonful of this, a dash of that - no real measurments.... but hey, it a kids' book. Surely I can figure out a recipe in a kids' book... I thought. Well, after a few dashes and globs and spoonfuls, Jack and I had a royal mess. It was a delicious mess, but the more I "doctored it", the more of a mess it became. I am not sure if the cookies are going to make the Thanksgiving road trip, but I think that a few Alligators at our house will enjoy them anyway. And hey, it was a blast making goodies with my boy, so we'll chalk this one up to being a success.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Reading your recent posts makes me hungry! :-)

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