Well, I am off... time to start packing. Not my favorite part of the holiday, but it must be done. I hope that you have a great Thanksgiving. If you are stopping by for a bloggy-read please leave a comment about what you are thankful for this year. I think that that could be interesting... and it is better than that uncomfortable going around the table and doing it kind of thing.
May God bless you and keep you safe this Thanksgiving holiday.
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2 months ago
I am beyond thankful for my family's health. This year, the fragileness of life has been at the forefront of my mind, and I am so very thankful that my family is healthy and together and in love with each other.
I am so thankful to have my family all together in my home (meaning... Steve is no longer traveling every week). I am thankful to have healthy boys that are a joy to be around. Finally, I thankful for the legacy of family. We get to visit Steve's grandparents, who are certainly very fragile, and spend our Thanksgiving day with them. To have 4 generations together for the meal will be very special.
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for my family - for a great husband, the gift of four children, and I'm especially thankful that God calls us His own.
I'm thankful for my family...all of them! My mom is one of my best friends, and 20 years ago I never thought that would happen. I had such fun cooking with her yesterday, learning her tricks, and laughing while making memories. I'm thankful for my husband, my sweet babies, and for a God who is ever faithful.
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