Yesterday I had the opportunity to celebrate with and cry with two wonderful women at my friend Karen's baby shower. These two friends both lost babies in their 2nd trimester of pregnancy in the last year, and because of those horrible events in their lives, our lives were knit together. While I would never have wished it to be so, because of their losses, they are now dear friends of mine.
When I lost my babies I questioned how God could possibly make anything good out of it. In my mind, it was so terrible that no lesson-learned would be significant enough to make up for the pain that I felt. While I still wish that I had never felt that heartache, I have been able to befriend a few people that I may have never "intersected" with otherwise. Because of the lives of my little ones and the things that I learned because of them, I am who I am today. Because of who I am today, I have these amazing women for friends. For that, I am thankful.
Thank you both for letting me be a part of your walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I don't take that lightly, and I am honored more than you will ever know.
We are assured and know that, God being a partner in their labor, all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. Romans 8:28
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2 months ago
Thank you for sharing the day with me. I couldn't have done it alone...
I was glad that I got to!
I'm listening to a CD from our recent women's conference about being transformed into the likeness of Jesus; specifically the transformed heart. A young mother from our fellowship, Dorothy Abshire, gives a powerful message of being restored after the death of her first baby daughter and six miscarriages. She was passionate about her walk with Jesus before all this happened and her faith was tested to the max as you know and can imagine because of your own experiences. She tells of her fear to ever believe again and her journey back into His presence. How her heart became hardened and how it was softened again by His persistent love. She tells of her journey through this dark time and God's grace and mercy as He miraculously healed her. He patiently waited and hovered over her by His Spirit; He was there even though she pushed away from Him for awhile. Truly, she went through the pit of despair back into the arms of Jesus once more; but it took time and gut wrenching sorrow before she could surrender her pain at the foot of the Cross. I thought of you sweet girl and wondered at and was in awe of the greatness of our God. I think hearing Dorothy's story helped me to better understand what you have been through; understand your journey through a desperate grief to the other side of it. I love you so much Amy
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